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Mesa Redonda is an online platform for social purposes, in which hosts of culinary activities are connected with people who are looking for this type of experience in Puerto Rico.
At Mesa Redonda they can offer experiences:
Agroecological Managers
Cultural Managers
Venues for Events
No, we do not charge you for listing your experience in Mesa Redonda :)
No, you do not have to pay anything to list your gastronomic experience in Mesa Redonda :)
You can offer your experience in any of the 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico. There are many locations: from farms and restaurants to cultural monuments or nature reserves; practically anywhere! The cuter and more creative, the better!
At Mesa Redonda, we offer you the following benefits:
1. We do not demand exclusivity or charge a commission for your experience.
2. Optimization of your experience: we assist you in developing your idea, including branding, storytelling, and photography.
3. Marketing your experience: we will promote your experience so that more people know about your project.
4. Service alliances: with PrepApp, you can hire your work team (cooks, waiters, production assistants, etc.) and receive counseling on the industry, in addition to acquiring local products with discounts and free delivery through PRoduce.
5. Creative freedom: you will have the flexibility to create the menu, times, and dates of the experience.
6. Environmental, social and economic sustainability: you will support farmers and producers in Puerto Rico by using local products, promoting and thus strengthening our food security and the protection of our resources. a sustainable economy
7. Networking: you will meet and collaborate with a community of talented, creative professionals passionate about good eating.
8. Insurance: For everyone's peace of mind, we have insurance coverage for the experiences.
9. Access to an equipped kitchen: prepare your experience in a comfortable place with everything you need to facilitate production.
10. Transparency in service: you can monitor payments and reservations from the host portal.
11. Access to stylish dinnerware: you can rent dinnerware, glassware, and cutlery for your event.
We'll promote your culinary experience to people who live in Puerto Rico and tourists thirsty to learn about our culinary history.
You establish the minimum number of guests; if you do not receive enough reservations to reach that minimum, you can cancel the event.
We'll pay you the next day business day of your experience :)
Yes, you must buy the food, ingredients, drinks, etc., of your experience, but we give you discounts and free delivery in PRoduce to facilitate the production.
We will give you access to PrepApp so you can quickly assemble your team. You have to post an ad in the app and interview people interested in the position you offer - e.g., hosts, cooks, dishwashers, managers, waiters, and bartenders, among others.